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🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

The grim aftermath of Britain’s local elections, why Wall Street’s all worked up over non-compete clauses, and how to stay cheerful when the world isn’t

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

The American lawyer on the problem of overturning of Roe vs Wade, the ‘psychological difficulty’ of retirement — and what ‘Macbeth’ tells us about Washington

Taiwan’s everywhere war

Taiwan’s everywhere war

As the threat of a Chinese invasion intensifies, one soldier is waging his own battle on defeatism

How Michelin stars explain the world

How Michelin stars explain the world

The west’s relative loss of power is reflected in fine dining

Your daily dose of surprising stories expert opinions fresh perspectives

Editor's picks Sunday 5th May
🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

The grim aftermath of Britain’s local elections, why Wall Street’s all worked up over non-compete clauses, and how to stay cheerful when the world isn’t

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

The American lawyer on the problem of overturning of Roe vs Wade, the ‘psychological difficulty’ of retirement — and what ‘Macbeth’ tells us about Washington

Taiwan’s everywhere war

Taiwan’s everywhere war

As the threat of a Chinese invasion intensifies, one soldier is waging his own battle on defeatism

How Michelin stars explain the world

How Michelin stars explain the world

The west’s relative loss of power is reflected in fine dining

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

The ‘Damascus Events’ of 1860 are a warning of how societies can collapse into violence — and also an example of how they can recover

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Research is finding ways to extend animal lifespans but regulators are still wary of treating ageing as a disease

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

Facing the waves and backed by mountains, an abandoned hamlet on the sleepy island of São Jorge has been turned into a heavenly retreat

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

Sensible conservative or dangerous narcissist? The best answer comes from those who have worked with him

Editor's picks Sunday 5th May
🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

The grim aftermath of Britain’s local elections, why Wall Street’s all worked up over non-compete clauses, and how to stay cheerful when the world isn’t

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

The American lawyer on the problem of overturning of Roe vs Wade, the ‘psychological difficulty’ of retirement — and what ‘Macbeth’ tells us about Washington

Taiwan’s everywhere war

Taiwan’s everywhere war

As the threat of a Chinese invasion intensifies, one soldier is waging his own battle on defeatism

How Michelin stars explain the world

How Michelin stars explain the world

The west’s relative loss of power is reflected in fine dining

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

The ‘Damascus Events’ of 1860 are a warning of how societies can collapse into violence — and also an example of how they can recover

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Research is finding ways to extend animal lifespans but regulators are still wary of treating ageing as a disease

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

Facing the waves and backed by mountains, an abandoned hamlet on the sleepy island of São Jorge has been turned into a heavenly retreat

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

Sensible conservative or dangerous narcissist? The best answer comes from those who have worked with him

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Editor's picks Sunday 5th May
🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

The grim aftermath of Britain’s local elections, why Wall Street’s all worked up over non-compete clauses, and how to stay cheerful when the world isn’t

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

The American lawyer on the problem of overturning of Roe vs Wade, the ‘psychological difficulty’ of retirement — and what ‘Macbeth’ tells us about Washington

Taiwan’s everywhere war

Taiwan’s everywhere war

As the threat of a Chinese invasion intensifies, one soldier is waging his own battle on defeatism

How Michelin stars explain the world

How Michelin stars explain the world

The west’s relative loss of power is reflected in fine dining

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

The ‘Damascus Events’ of 1860 are a warning of how societies can collapse into violence — and also an example of how they can recover

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Research is finding ways to extend animal lifespans but regulators are still wary of treating ageing as a disease

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

Facing the waves and backed by mountains, an abandoned hamlet on the sleepy island of São Jorge has been turned into a heavenly retreat

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

Sensible conservative or dangerous narcissist? The best answer comes from those who have worked with him

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
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stories to spark new interests

The FT Edit app brings you articles that surprise and inspire, carefully chosen every weekday by FT editors.

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
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Editor's picks Sunday 5th May
🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

🎧 Podcasts for the weekend

The grim aftermath of Britain’s local elections, why Wall Street’s all worked up over non-compete clauses, and how to stay cheerful when the world isn’t

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer: ‘Are you kidding? You’ll get more cases than ever!’

The American lawyer on the problem of overturning of Roe vs Wade, the ‘psychological difficulty’ of retirement — and what ‘Macbeth’ tells us about Washington

Taiwan’s everywhere war

Taiwan’s everywhere war

As the threat of a Chinese invasion intensifies, one soldier is waging his own battle on defeatism

How Michelin stars explain the world

How Michelin stars explain the world

The west’s relative loss of power is reflected in fine dining

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

The ‘Damascus Events’ of 1860 are a warning of how societies can collapse into violence — and also an example of how they can recover

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Science is closing in on the frailties of old age

Research is finding ways to extend animal lifespans but regulators are still wary of treating ageing as a disease

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

The sheer pleasures of the Azores

Facing the waves and backed by mountains, an abandoned hamlet on the sleepy island of São Jorge has been turned into a heavenly retreat

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

There are two Donald Trumps — but which is the real one?

Sensible conservative or dangerous narcissist? The best answer comes from those who have worked with him

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
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  • Never miss out with access to previous editions
  • Ad free content with no interruptions

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